Máster en Ingeniería Metalúrgica
Ostrava, República Checa
2 Years
Tiempo completo
Solicitar fecha límite de solicitud
Sep 2025
CZK 50.000 / per semester
En el campus
El programa de estudios tiene por objeto formar especialistas en metalurgia e ingeniería modernas. Inicialmente se imparten cursos teóricos básicos comunes, convenientemente complementados por cursos de ciencia de los materiales, gestión y gestión de la calidad. El programa de estudios también cubre los temas de producción de hierro y acero, fundición y formación a granel. El programa de estudios se caracteriza por la estrecha interconexión del proceso pedagógico con la base experimental, a menudo única, y el uso de la tecnología informática en el modelado de procesos.
Plan de estudios
Semester 1
- Engineering Materials
- Theoretical aspects of bulk-forming
- Theory of Foundry Processes
- Theory Processes in the Production of Iron and Steel
- Thermal processes in industrial furnaces
Semester 2
- Ceramic materials in metallurgy
- Material rolling and treatment
- Molding mixtures
- Technology of Ironmaking
- Theory of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys Processing
Semester 3
- Advanced methods of bulk-forming
- Diploma seminar I
- Methods of Quality Planning and Improvement
- Technology of foundry alloys
- The technology of production, treatment, and casting of steel
Semester 4
- Diploma seminar II
- Managerial Economics
- Modeling of forming processes
- Modeling of Metallurgical Processes
- Simulation of casting processes
Objetivos y competencias del programa
Hard Skills
- Creation of technical reports
- Design of technological processes of production
- Tests of formability of metallic materials
- Presentation and defense of work results
- Knowledge of the basics of business economics
- Simulación de procesos de conformado mediante programas para PC
- SW Simufact Forming
- Methods and tools of quality management
- Knowledge of production documentation of casting
- Procedures for the production of pressure castings
- Reading technical documentation
- Orientation in the production and modifications of metallic materials
- Optimization of the course of metallurgical processes in steel production and casting
- Evaluation of deformation behavior of metallic materials
- Orientation in the processing of materials and input raw materials
- Knowledge of steel production technology in converters
- Orientation in properties and use of molding materials
- Knowledge of materials
- Orientation in modeling of volume-forming processes
- Knowledge of technological processes
- Knowledge of the influence of forming on the properties and structure of a material
- Knowledge of technology of steel and ferroalloys production in electric arc and induction furnaces
- Optimization of refining processes in the production of molten metals using SW ANSYS Fluent
- Assessment of formability of materials
- Optimization of the steel casting process using SW ProCAST and QuikCAST
- Programa de simulación MAGMASoft
- Knowledge of metallurgical processes in metal production
- SW Simulink - Fluids
- Knowledge of casting technology
Study Aims:
Main goals:
- The acquisition of basic theoretical knowledge will enable a sufficiently well-founded approach to the issue of technical subjects from three technological areas: iron and steel production, foundry, and bulk-forming.
- Acquisition of relevant expertise and skills in the theoretical and technological aspects of the three areas of metallurgical engineering with an emphasis on their thematic interconnection.
- Training of an engineer as a metallurgical specialist, technologist, researcher, etc., capable of managing the above-mentioned areas technically and managerially, including methods of quality management.
- Acquisition of general competencies corresponding to the Master's degree - soft skills, language skills, presentation of results, etc.
Specific goals:
- Understand the theoretical and technological nature of the processes of metallurgical processes, formulate physico-chemical processes in the production of pig iron and steel, characterize the processes occurring during refining and the patterns of casting, crystallization, and solidification of steel.
- Understand the principle of cast parts production using foundry methods, characterize processes occurring at the form-metal interface, and characterize processes occurring during casting, crystallization, and solidification of castings from iron alloys and non-ferrous metals using experimental methods, computer modeling, and operational applications.
- Understand the advantages of a comprehensive approach to studying the deformation behavior of materials in the coordination of forming, material sciences, computer, automation, etc., preferably in a combination of experimental methods, computer modeling, and operational applications.
- To learn to use theoretical and practical knowledge for individual technological aggregates associated with the production of iron and steel, including the application of knowledge and results obtained using modern laboratory equipment together with the processes of physical or numerical modeling.
- To learn how to design a suitable casting process based on theoretical and practical knowledge, including the use of new and progressive methods and materials, in order to achieve maximum performance of castings with minimal economic and environmental burden.
- To learn the thought processes and methods leading to the effective utilization of the structural potential of both traditional and newly developed metallic materials in order to achieve precisely defined or extremely outstanding mechanical properties of the bulk-formed products.
Graduate's Knowledge
- Demonstrates to an appropriate extent and details knowledge of iron and steel production technology, foundry technology, and the technology of forming ferrous and non-ferrous metals at the latest level, as well as knows their principles.
- Based on the choice of study subjects and the topic of the thesis demonstrate a deeper knowledge of theoretical principles related to the technology of iron and steel production, foundry technology, or technology of bulk forming of metallic materials.
- Controls statistical data processing methods to an appropriate extent and is able to use advanced modeling methods in the field of steel production technology, foundry technology, or forming technology at an advanced level.
- Demonstrates basic knowledge of technical materials, non-ferrous metal production, thermal processes in industrial furnaces, methods of planning and quality improvement, and management economics
Graduate's skills
- Is able to independently solve tasks in the field of modern technologies of iron and steel production or foundry technology or materials forming.
- Puede ampliar el uso de métodos modernos de investigación teórica y experimental en el campo de la producción de hierro y acero, la tecnología de fundición o la conformación de materiales.
- In solving individual tasks he/she is able to use methods of statistical analysis, modern physical and computer modeling methods, and basic principles of managerial economy.
Graduate's general competence
The graduate has sufficient soft skills, is linguistically equipped with knowledge of at least one foreign language at B1-B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference, is ready for teamwork, etc.
Oportunidades profesionales
- Forming technology manager
- Research team leader
- Process management specialist
- Research and development specialist
- Metallurgical operation technologist
- Materials production technologist
- Tecnólogo metalúrgico
- Foundry technologist
- RαD engineer in the field of materials science
- Production manager
Graduate's Employment
Typical graduate jobs include technologist, researcher, manager, project manager, computer engineer, and qualified reseller.
- Specialists in the field of iron and steel technology (including its liquid processing and casting) in various metallurgical plants as technologists, plant managers, or managers
- Specialists in the field of technology of casting of metallic materials into permanent and non-permanent molds (foundries of steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metals, foundries of gravity, pressure, and centrifugal casting of castings) in the positions of technologists, plant managers, or managers
- Specialists in companies supplying materials and equipment to foundry operations
- Specialists in the field of metal forming in various metallurgical and engineering companies (hot and cold rolling mills, forging shops including die mills, drawing plants, press shops, etc.) in the positions of technologists, plant managers, or managers
- Specialists in companies involved in the distribution or further processing of metallurgical products.