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TBS Education Maestría en ciencia de datos e inteligencia artificial
TBS Education

Maestría en ciencia de datos e inteligencia artificial

Toulouse, Francia

12 Months


Tiempo completo

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EUR 19.500 / per year *

En el campus

* Tuition fee


Program overview

With 2 internationally recognized certificates and through close collaboration with more than a dozen industry leaders, startups, and associations, the program confronts students, from the very beginning of the program, with the reality and multilayered complexity of big data, data-driven marketing, and marketing analytics.

  • Duration: 12 months
  • Campus: Toulouse
  • Language: English
  • Mode: Full-time
  • Tasas de matrícula: 20000€
  • Application Fees: 100€
  • Admisión: septiembre de 2024
  • Deadline: 15 July 2024

TBS-accordion__title opened">Why this program?

The explosive growth in the amount of data created in the world by humans and machines continues to accelerate. This data deluge coupled with a societal awareness of the strategic value of data has engendered a global business paradigm shift: the advent of a data-driven business era.

In a new data-driven business world, marketing professionals must get used to evolving in a volatile, fast-changing, and technology-driven business environment, and thus acquire new forms of expertise and skills that are at the junction of Digital Marketing Innovation, Analytics, but also Artificial Intelligence.


  • The program relies on an innovating, problem-based, pedagogical approach merging the disciplines of marketing, business analytics, and computer science.
  • Through close collaboration with more than a dozen industry leaders, startups, and associations, the program confronts students, from the very beginning, with the reality and multi-layered complexity of data-driven marketing and marketing analytics.
  • Students will participate in real, business-led case studies.

TBS-accordion__title opened">Certifications


  • Visualización de datos: especialista en Tableau Desktop
  • Computación en la nube (Microsoft Azure)
  • Ciencia de datos (Microsoft Azure)
  • La Certificación de Consultoría TBS está disponible: una semana, 4 empresas consultoras
  • Acreditación CGE (Conférence des Grandes Ecoles): otorgada a una formación de 12 meses que entrega un diploma Bac+6. Se dirige a un público que desea adquirir una experiencia, una doble titulación o profundizar en un campo.La fuerte implicación de los profesionales en la docencia y la obligación de realizar al menos 4 meses de prácticas ofrecen a los graduados el valor de un programa de formación altamente profesionalizado.
Más información en el sitio web de la institución


Plan de estudios

Objetivos y competencias del programa


Cuota de matrícula del programa

Becas y Financiamiento


Oportunidades profesionales

Sobre la escuela
