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Scuola Politecnica di Design SPD Master en Diseño Industrial
Scuola Politecnica di Design SPD

Master en Diseño Industrial

Milan, Italia

16 Months


Tiempo completo

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EUR 27.000 / per course

En el campus


The designer develops projects for the industrial and distribution system, seeking to contextualize the product within a potential market but also within society with its rituals and modes of consumption. The Master's program offers a comprehensive training that embraces the research and definition of the concept, its development and representation up to the communication of the project.

The teaching follows a user-centered approach that emphasizes individual and collective enjoyment of the product. In fact, the designer must carefully consider the social and environmental impact of products. The open and multidisciplinary method encourages the expression of students' cultural backgrounds and enhances dialogue and exchange in the creative process.

Collaboration with important industrial realities aims to refine the training through workshops and study projects that train students to manage the relationship with the client. The program refines tools and operational skills from a professional perspective. Students can take advantage of well-equipped computer and modeling labs with the most advanced 2D and 3D software.


The Master of Arts lasts two Academic years, from January 2025. Attendance is compulsory and full time.


The Master’s course is held in English.

Más información en el sitio web de la institución


Plan de estudios

Objetivos y competencias del programa

Estudiantes ideales

Oportunidades profesionales

Requisitos de lengua inglesa

¡Certifica tu dominio del inglés con el Duolingo English Test! El DET es un examen de inglés en línea conveniente, rápido y asequible aceptado por más de 4000 universidades (como esta) en todo el mundo.

Sobre la escuela
