Máster en Redes Industriales y Ciberseguridad
Carlow, Irlanda
1 Years
Tiempo completo
02 Jun 2025
Sep 2025
EUR 14.000 *
En el campus
* para estudiantes de la UE
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Este Máster en Redes Industriales & Ciberseguridad está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de las empresas de fabricación tradicional, las empresas de fabricación inteligente y las que participan en la Industria 4.0.
El programa tiene como objetivo ampliar y mejorar las habilidades existentes de los alumnos que normalmente tienen habilidades de Tecnología de Operaciones (OT) y complementarlas con un conocimiento sólido, basado en habilidades, de redes industriales y Ciberseguridad.
Los licenciados adquirirán competencias para tender puentes entre las operaciones de fabricación y la empresa y obtendrán una serie de conocimientos, técnicas y enfoques que les equiparán para desarrollar y proteger mejor la red y los procesos en la zona de fabricación.
El programa tiene como objetivo desarrollar habilidades teóricas y aplicadas que permitan a los graduados trabajar en operaciones, a menudo con una estrecha relación con el director de TI y el Director de Seguridad de la Información (CISO), con un enfoque específico en los aspectos de Redes Industriales y Ciberseguridad.
Características especiales
Los estudiantes aprenderán sobre Sistemas de Automatización y Control Industrial (ICAS), Programación, Redes Industriales y Ciberseguridad. Para promover el compromiso con la industria y dar a conocer los avances técnicos, este programa combina el aprendizaje semipresencial con un proyecto basado en el trabajo, para tender puentes entre la comprensión y la aplicación comercial.
Plan de estudios
What subjects will I study?
- Industrial Control Systems
- Automatización industrial avanzada
- Programación I y II
- Redes Industriales I y II
- Ciberseguridad I y II
- Métodos de investigación para la ingeniería
- Disertación (Ingeniería)
- Work-based Project
- Professional Development
Oportunidades profesionales
- Trabaje y colabore con COO y CISO, ingenieros de operaciones, ingenieros de TI, así como proveedores y consultores de seguridad de la información.
- Analice, diseñe e interprete datos de rendimiento, identifique estrategias de mejora y comprenda la red y el panorama de amenazas a la ciberseguridad.
- Desarrollar la habilidad y el conocimiento técnico para ser el punto focal dentro del equipo de operaciones industriales para redes y ciberseguridad.
Los graduados exitosos de este programa pueden postularse para realizar un doctorado en SETU Carlow u otras instituciones de tercer nivel.
Potential employment opportunities include:
- Security Architect
- Penetration tester
- Network Engineer
- Security Engineer
- Security auditor
- Experto forense en seguridad de la información
- Respondedor de incidentes
- Vulnerability assessor
¿Por qué estudiar en South East Technological University?
Discover SETU: Your Gateway to Global Success
Embark on a transformative journey at South East Technological University (SETU), a contemporary European university nestled in the southeast of Ireland, a nation renowned for its dynamic economy and global influence. At SETU, we mirror Ireland’s forward-thinking spirit, providing a launchpad for your future in one of the world’s most hospitable countries. (SETU is a regional powerhouse with campuses spread across the southeast, with international students studying on our Carlow, Waterford, and Wexford campuses. With over half a century of experience in higher education, research, innovation, and collaboration, SETU nurtures a thriving community of over 18,000 students, supported by a dedicated team of more than 1,500 staff. Our vision is to expand our reach and impact even further in the next decade.
Our university boasts cutting-edge research facilities and strong ties with leading global corporations. We are dedicated to helping you turn your dreams into reality. Our campuses offer a vibrant, manageable environment, rich with diverse cultural experiences. Here, every student is given the tools to excel academically and flourish personally.
SETU’s research prowess is recognised both in Ireland and globally, laying a solid foundation for future growth. We are committed to equipping students with the skills they need to excel in the competitive job market. International students can select from a variety of career-focused programmes, offering undergraduate, postgraduate, and foundation qualifications.
SETU provides a range of services and facilities, from academic support to recreational amenities. Our university is a hub of activity with numerous clubs and societies and is renowned for its excellence in competitive sports.
Our Carlow campus, located 85km from Dublin and 97km from Dublin Airport, is surrounded by the quintessential Irish countryside, complete with mountain trails, forests, and ancient monastic sites.
The Waterford campus, 170km from Dublin and 177km from Dublin Airport, is situated in Ireland’s oldest city, a perfect blend of the old and the new, It's a city bursting with life and historic streets to explore.
At SETU, we foster an inclusive campus environment where students form lifelong friendships while achieving academic milestones. It’s the beginning of an exciting journey for those aspiring to build successful careers in fields like business, law, humanities, science, sport, or engineering.
Academic Disciplines and Programmes
International students can choose from a wide array of programmes, spanning foundation, undergraduate, and postgraduate qualifications. SETU offers programmes and conducts research across a broad spectrum of academic disciplines, including:
- Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry
- Architecture
- Arts and Social Sciences
- Built Environment
- Business
- Computing
- Early Years Education
- Engineering
- Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts
- Law
- Media, Design and Music
- Science
- Sport Management
- Sport Science
International Foundation Programme
International students can enrol in our certificate programme, Preparation for Higher Education. This programme equips students with the fundamental knowledge and skills required for higher education. Students receive English language tuition, as well as education in mathematics, IT, and a field of their interest. The modules available are:
- English for Professional Communication
- Information Technology
- Learning to Learn
- Introductory Maths
- Management
- Engineering Science
- Computer Systems
This programme provides a valuable opportunity to explore degree-level studies and make informed choices. Upon completion, students can pursue a degree course in the following academic year.
International Office
We have a dedicated international team ready to support international students. At the beginning of the year, international students attend an induction/orientation programme. This is a great opportunity to meet other international students and learn about the dedicated support available at SETU.
Sobre la escuela
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