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Lund University El programa de maestría en biotecnología
Lund University

El programa de maestría en biotecnología

Lund, Suecia

2 Years


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Programme overview

Biotechnology is a key enabling technology that offers strong innovation potential for the sustainable development of society. Research and development in biotechnology continue to improve processes and develop products that have a profound impact on various sectors, such as healthcare and pharmaceuticals, agriculture, food and feed, environmental remediation, as well as the production of chemicals and biofuels.

Lund University is among the leading universities in the world for research and education in biotechnology. It is home to several world-renowned scientists who have strong links to the industry – from large multinational companies to small enterprises based on research developed within our departments.

The Master’s in Biotechnology is a broad programme covering scientific and technological aspects of biotechnology tools and processes for industrial production and environmental remediation, biocatalysts including enzymes and microorganisms, process monitoring, product recovery and process design. To prepare our students for their final semester Master’s thesis, nearly all of our courses include practical exercises. It is therefore recommended that students who apply to this programme have acquired laboratory skills during their Bachelor’s degree.

Plan de estudios

Objetivos y competencias del programa

Oportunidades profesionales

Sobre la escuela


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