Laurea Magistrale in Fisica
2 Years
Tiempo completo
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Oct 2025
EUR 156
En el campus
Plan de estudios
Curriculum: Specialist Curriculum
Compulsory Activity
- Classical Electrodynamics
- English Proficiency B2
- Informatics Ability
- Final Exam
- Mandatory Training Internship
- Data Structures and Algorithms of Physics of Data
- Electronics 1
- Electronics Laboratory
- Environmental Physics
- Health Physics
- Imaging Techniques for Biomedical Applications
- Optical Analysis for Cultural Heritages
- Accelerator Physics 1
- Dosimetry
- Electronics 2
- Elements of Superconductivity and Physics of High Field Magnets
- Modelling Applications for Environmental and Cultural Heritage Physics
- Radiobiology
Theory and Fundamentals of Physics
- Many Body Theory 1
- Many Body Theory 2
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Differential Equations 1
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 1
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 2
- Quantum Field Theory 2
- Statistical Mechanics 1
- Statistical Quantum Field Theory 1
- Theory of Quantum Open Systems
- Gravity and Superstrings 1
- Quantum Field Theory 1
- Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
- Theory of Fundamental Interactions 1
Microphysics and Structure of Matter Field
- Accelerator Physics Laboratory
- Applied Superconductivity Laboratory
- Astroparticle Physics
- Coherence and Control of Quantum System
- Electronic Structure
- Electroweak Interactions
- Interaction and Detection of Nuclear Radiation
- Machine Learning
- Magnetic Properties and Fine Analysis of Low-Dimensional Matter
- Optics Laboratory and Application
- Particle Physics
- Physics Protein 1
- Probability and Statistics
- Quantum Optics
- Quantum Optics Laboratory
- Quantum Theory of Matter 2
- Semiconductor Physics
- Surface Physics 1
- Advanced Statistical Physics
- Laser Physics Laboratory 1
- Nanoscale Solid State Physics
- Nuclear Electronics
- Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory
- Optics 1
- Particle Detectors
- Physics of Electronic Devices
- Physics of Solids 1
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
- Plasma Physics Laboratory 1
- Quantum Information Theory
- Radioactivity
Astrophysics, Geophysics and Space Science Field
- Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- General Astrophysics 1
- Introduction to Continuum Physics
- Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 1
- Physics of the Hydrosphere and the Cryosphere
- Radio Astronomy 1
- Atmospheric Physics
- Cosmology 1
- Dynamics of Galaxies
- Extragalactic Astrophysics
- General Astrophysics 2
- Laboratory of Data Modelling
- Tectonophysics
Integrativa Affini
- Advanced Gravitational Physics
- Algebraic Topology
- Atomic Physics
- Biophysics
- Cosmology 2
- Data Analytics, Forward and Inverse Modeling: Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics
- Differential Geometry
- Digital Electronics
- Foundations of Energy Production
- History of Physics
- Instrumentation Applied to Medicine
- Introduction to Astrophysics
- Introduction to General Relativity
- Methods of Data Analysis
- Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 2
- Particle Physics Laboratory 1
- Perturbation Theory of Hamiltonian Systems
- Physics Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
- Preparation of Didactical Experiences 1
- Quantum Computing
- Simulation of Condensed Matter and Biosystems
- Theory of Fundamental Interactions 2
- Thin Film and Nanostructures Characterization
- Computational Physics Laboratory
- Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory 2
- Deep Learning with Applications
- Dynamical Systems 1
- Earth Physics Laboratory
- Environmental Physics Laboratory
- Foundations in Electron Microscopy (EM) and Its Related Spectroscopies
- Foundations of Physics
- Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- Geometry 2
- Gravity and Superstrings 2
- Health Physics Laboratory
- Introduction to Health and Medical Physics
- Laboratory of Space Instrumentation (1)
- Liquid-State and Soft-Matter Physics
- Mathematical Analysis 4
- Nanoparticle Physics
- Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Photonics
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques: Physics Principles and Applications
- Numerical Simulation Laboratory
- Numerical Tecniques for Photorealistic Image Generation
- Particle Detectors Laboratory Instrumentation
- Phenomenology of the Standard Model of Particle Physics
- Physics of Medical Imaging
- Preparation of Didactical Experiences 2
- Quantum Walks
- Radiative Processes in Astrophysics
- Radio Astronomy 2
- Statistical Quantum Field Theory 2
- Stochastic Processes
Curriculum: Multi-Sector Curriculum
Compulsory activity
- Classical Electrodynamics
- English Proficiency B2
- Informatics Ability
- Final Exam
- Electronics 1
- Electronics Laboratory
- Environmental Physics
- Health Physics
- Imaging Techniques for Biomedical Applications
- Optical Analysis for Cultural Heritages
- Accelerator Physics 1
- Dosimetry
- Electronics 2
- Elements of Superconductivity and Physics of High Field Magnets
- Modelling Applications for Environmental and Cultural Heritage Physics
- Radiobiology
- Theory and Fundamentals of Physics
- History of Physics
- Preparation of Didactical Experiences 1
- Preparation of Didactical Experiences 2
- Microphysics and Structure of Matter
- Accelerator Physics Laboratory
- Applied Superconductivity Laboratory
- Astroparticle Physics
- Coherence and Control of Quantum System
- Electronic Structure
- Electroweak Interactions
- Interaction and Detection of Nuclear Radiation
- Magnetic Properties and Fine Analysis of Low-Dimensional Matter
- Optics Laboratory and Application
- Particle Physics
- Physics Protein 1
- Quantum Optics
- Quantum Optics Laboratory
- Quantum Theory of Matter 2
- Semiconductor Physics
- Surface Physics 1
- Advanced Statistical Physics
- Laser Physics Laboratory 1
- Nanoscale Solid State Physics
- Nuclear Electronics
- Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear Spectroscopy Laboratory
- Optics 1
- Particle Detectors
- Physics of Electronic Devices
- Physics of Solids 1
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
- Plasma Physics Laboratory 1
- Quantum Information Theory
- Radioactivity
Astrophysics, Geophysics and Space Science
- Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- General Astrophysics 1
- Introduction to Continuum Physics
- Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 1
- Physics of the Hydrosphere and the Cryosphere
- Radio Astronomy 1
- Atmospheric Physics
- Cosmology 1
- Dynamics of Galaxies
- Extragalactic Astrophysics
- General Astrophysics 2
- Tectonophysics
- Advanced Gravitational Physics
- Algebraic Topology
- Atomic Physics
- Biophysics
- Cosmology 2
- Data Analytics, Forward and Inverse Modeling: Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics
- Data Structures and Algorithms of Physics of Data
- Differential Geometry
- Digital Electronics
- Foundations of Energy Production
- Instrumentation Applied to Medicine
- Introduction to Astrophysics
- Introduction to General Relativity
- Machine Learning
- Many Body Theory 1
- Many Body Theory 2
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Differential Equations 1
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 1
- Mathematical Methods in Physics: Geometry and Group Theory 2
- Methods of Data Analysis
- Nuclear Relativistic Astrophysics 2
- Particle Physics Laboratory 1
- Perturbation Theory of Hamiltonian Systems
- Physics Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
- Probability and Statistics
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Field Theory 2
- Simulation of Condensed Matter and Biosystems
- Statistical Mechanics 1
- Statistical Quantum Field Theory 1
- Theory of Fundamental Interactions 2
- Theory of Quantum Open Systems
- Thin Film and Nanostructures Characterization
- Computational Physics Laboratory
- Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory 2
- Deep Learning with Applications
- Dynamical Systems 1
- Earth Physics Laboratory
- Environmental Physics Laboratory
- Foundations in Electron Microscopy (EM) and Its Related Spectroscopies
- Foundations of Physics
- Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- Geometry 2
- Gravity and Superstrings 1
- Gravity and Superstrings 2
- Health Physics Laboratory
- Introduction to Health and Medical Physics
- Laboratory of Data Modelling
- Laboratory of Space Instrumentation (1)
- Liquid-State and Soft-Matter Physics
- Mathematical Analysis 4
- Nanoparticle Physics
- Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Photonics
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques: Physics Principles and Applications
- Numerical Simulation Laboratory
- Numerical Tecniques for Photorealistic Image Generation
- Particle Detectors Laboratory Instrumentation
- Phenomenology of the Standard Model of Particle Physics
- Physics of Medical Imaging
- Quantum Field Theory 1
- Quantum Walks
- Radiative Processes in Astrophysics
- Radio Astronomy 2
- Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
- Statistical Quantum Field Theory 2
- Stochastic Processes
- Theory of Fundamental Interactions 1
Objetivos y competencias del programa
Más concretamente, el programa está diseñado con los siguientes objetivos:
- Proporcionar una base sólida de conocimientos sobre el dominio experimental-aplicativo, la teoría y los fundamentos de la física, microfísica, estructura de la materia, astrofísica/geofísica/ciencia espacial.
- Preparar graduados que sean flexibles y tengan una gran aptitud para la resolución de problemas.
- Preparar egresados que sean capaces de describir los fenómenos naturales de manera estrictamente científica, con un enfoque matemático y estadístico, así como trabajar con un alto grado de autonomía, asumiendo responsabilidades en los proyectos, incluso en calidad de gestor y directivo.
- Proporcionar herramientas para la comunicación y divulgación científica de alto nivel.
- Proporcionar a los egresados un conocimiento sólido de los contenidos y metodologías requeridas para la docencia.
Cuota de matrícula del programa
Oportunidades profesionales
Los graduados normalmente ejercerán su profesión en la industria y en organismos públicos y privados en estructuras tales como:
- Centros de investigación y laboratorios.
- Hospitales e instalaciones sanitarias que utilizan técnicas de diagnóstico, terapia y protección radiológica.
- Observatorios astronómicos
- Museos y otros centros dedicados a la divulgación científica
- Bancos y compañías de seguros.
- Estructuras dedicadas al desarrollo de modelos matemático-estadísticos de fenómenos
- Estructuras dedicadas al uso y desarrollo de sistemas e instrumentación complejos
- Estructuras activas en la restauración de bienes artísticos y en la protección de bienes medioambientales.
- Centrales eléctricas (incluidas, por ejemplo, centrales nucleares)
- Estructuras para la adquisición y procesamiento de datos.
Los titulados que dispongan de un número suficiente de créditos en grupos de sectores adecuados podrán, según exige la legislación vigente, participar en las pruebas de acceso a cursos de formación para la enseñanza secundaria.
Los graduados interesados en oportunidades que requieran mayor capacitación continuarán sus estudios en doctorados de investigación o escuelas de especialización.