Máster en Ingeniería - Especialidad en Ingeniería Civil - Programa "Grande École
5 Years
Francés, Inglés
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EUR 7500 / per year *
En el campus
* 5 500 EUR al año para estudios universitarios
En el contexto actual de cambio global, el CESI adopta una actitud eco-responsable en un programa que sensibiliza a los estudiantes sobre las perturbaciones climáticas, así como sobre las transiciones energética y digital: construcción sostenible, BIM y maquetas digitales, análisis del ciclo de vida y estudio de impacto, Olimpiadas del Clima, Lean Construction... Para dar sentido a su profesión y convertirse en actores de estos nuevos retos, los ingenieros del CESI están preparados para carreras relacionadas con el diseño, la construcción, la gestión y el mantenimiento de infraestructuras de transporte e hidráulicas, en un mundo con bajas emisiones de carbono. Al ser profesionales con un alto nivel de conocimientos científicos y técnicos, también están equipados con conocimientos digitales para satisfacer las necesidades del sector de la construcción y las demandas de la sociedad. Al finalizar este curso, los estudiantes tendrán todas las herramientas que necesitan para realizar y gestionar proyectos de construcción en un entorno altamente competitivo en Francia o en el extranjero.
Possible Options
Las opciones posibles en la carrera de ingeniería civil se dividen en 4 subfamilias: Transiciones digitales y ecológicas (opciones: BIM Manager o Rehabilitación de estructuras de edificación), Gestión de proyectos de construcción (opciones: Lean Construction, Design and Execution Project Management o Expertise Pathway ), Innovación y emprendimiento (opciones: Emprendimiento o Innovación), Infraestructuras y obras ferroviarias (opciones: Grand Paris - Obras subterráneas, Infraestructuras e Ingeniería civil).
Cinco años para allanar el camino para tu carrera como ingeniero.
En la licenciatura, comienzas con un año común a las cuatro áreas del CESI y luego avanzas gradualmente hacia la elección de tu especialidad en el año 3. En la Master's Degree in Engineering - Especialidad en Ingeniería Civil, podrás aportar soluciones innovadoras a los problemas que se te presenten. Para lograr una especialización y destacar, elige una opción en el año 5. Acreditado por la Comisión de Certificaciones de Ingeniería (CTI), este Programa goza de reconocimiento internacional.
In-Company Missions
- Structural calculation
- Estudio y validación de materiales
- Renovación de estructuras
- Modificación de un sistema de drenaje pluvial
- Asistencia en la gestión de la construcción o gestión de proyectos.
- Supervisión de obras de construcción
Qué podrán hacer los estudiantes en una empresa
- En el programa de grado, los estudiantes realizarán misiones típicamente confiadas a un ingeniero técnico experto: redacción de notas de cálculo, diseño y desarrollo de elementos estructurales, implementación de técnicas de construcción... En el programa de Máster de Ingeniería, los estudiantes evolucionan de técnicos a ingenieros: Técnicos calificados al final del 1er año: dominan los aspectos técnicos de sus misiones y saben cómo aplicarlos de forma autónoma.
- Assistant engineers at the end of the 2nd year: they are able to handle problems requiring new solutions, and to supervise teams in the field.
- Junior engineers at the end of the study program: they are autonomous to handle entire subjects by integrating technical, economic, organizational, and human dimensions.
The Assessment System
In both the undergraduate program and the Master of Engineering program, the assessment system is based on continuous monitoring. Subjects are divided into different Learning Units; Each unit corresponds to a given number of ECTS credits. One year corresponds to 60 credits. Students must have passed all their learning units and obtained their ECTS credits to progress to the next academic year.
The conditions for being awarded a degree are as follows:
- Passing all Learning Units, therefore having obtained 300 credits over the five years of training
- Obtaining a B2 level certification in English
- Doing a 20-week mobility abroad
CESI’s Master of Engineering program is a study program involving a 2-undergraduate program followed by a 3-year study program on campus, which leads to an engineering degree (level 7 - Master).
Choosing CESI’s International Programs
As an international, French-speaking, and English-speaking student, you have the opportunity to study different CESI programs in France, depending on your education level, ranging from undergraduate degrees to post-graduate degrees, or equivalent degrees obtained abroad:
- ‘Grande École’ Program (Master’s Degree)
- Master’s Degree in Engineering
- Master’s Degree in Computer Science
- Executive Post-Graduate Programs®
Some of our programs offer a so-called preparatory year, enabling you to improve your academic or language skills and, thus, making it easier for you to continue your studies: Engineering Degree Pathway.
Because welcoming you is one of CESI’s commitments, our teams will support you in preparing for your arrival and taking care of all administrative procedures, whatever program you choose.
The international aspect is at the heart of our strategic and educational plan. What’s the goal? To offer you a truly multicultural experience, an opportunity to broaden your horizons, and a window to the job market in France and abroad. All CESI training programs meet European and international standards, particularly by splitting the academic year into semesters or delivering ECTS credits. Moreover, CESI holds the ERASMUS+ charter and works with many international players such as Campus France or the CDIO Initiative.
Plan de estudios
The Curriculum of the Undergraduate Program in Civil Engineering
Common Syllabus - Fundamental Engineering Sciences
- Implementing mathematical tools for engineers in analysis, algebra, geometry, and statistics-probability
- Applying the fundamental principles of point mechanics and non-deformable solids, thermal science, and thermodynamics, direct and alternating current electricity
Sciences and Methods of an Engineer
- Applying analysis and problem-solving methods
- Carrying out a functional analysis
- Establishing specifications
- Using CAD software to model a product and produce it in 3D printing
- Carrying out a construction site preparation
Sciences and Techniques of Civil Engineering
- Discovering and implementing the basics of topography, Eurocodes, concrete characteristics, soil mechanics and geotechnics, BIM modeling
- Understanding and using the chemical characteristics and structure of materials
- Applying advanced principles regarding the strength of materials
- Calculating foundations
- Sizing fluid and energy networks
- Incorporating environmental requirements through eco-responsible practices: sustainable construction, waste treatment...
Humanities, Economics, Legal and Social Sciences
- Developing one’s ability to express oneself clearly and flawlessly in French orally and in writing
- Gaining communication reflexes that promote teamwork
- Practicing the English language to communicate in a professional context
- Incorporating the principles of sustainable development to address climate issues
Minor in Civil Engineering: Application Traineeship
- Applying the knowledge acquired during a traineeship in a company, with a minimum duration of 3 months
Master of Engineering Curriculum
Fundamental Engineering Sciences
- Fundamental sciences are essential for engineers, including mathematics and subjects related to physics that they will need in their roles: Mathematics / Mechanical engineering (solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, materials, Strength of Materials, geotechnics) / Electrical engineering (electricity, electronics, electromagnetism) / Energy engineering (thermodynamics, thermal science)
Sciences and Methods of an Engineer
- Engineering tools and methods are essential for managing projects and handling problems in a structured way: Functional analysis / Statistics and probability / Operations research / Analysis and problem-solving methods / Documentary research / Project management / Innovation engineering / Introduction to research
Sciences and Techniques of Industrial Engineering
- The sciences and techniques of the civil engineering program aim to cover in-depth subjects needed nowadays in the civil engineering sector, by incorporating the eco-responsible dimension at every stage of a structure’s lifecycle: Design and modeling of structures (BIM) / Soil mechanics and geotechnics / Environmental engineering / Hydraulics and water management / Geographic Information System (GIS) / Transport infrastructures and road design / Complex structures and infrastructures / Eco-design and circular economy in civil engineering / Lean construction / Eco-design
Humanities, Economics, Legal and Social Sciences
- The HSEL (Human sciences, Economy and Legislation) program plays an essential role in complementing the engineer’s knowledge and skills, beyond the scientific and technical fields: Professional communication / Leadership and people management / Economics and business administration / Labor law and staff management / Corporate social responsibility and ethics / Quality, Hygiene, Safety, Environment, Occupational Health / Regulations and standards / Team building and creativity development
- English: writing and speaking skills, preparation for the TOEIC test certification
- Interculturality
- Educational projects in partnership with international universities or schools will be conducted to provide students with an international experience and to work on remote collaboration via videoconferences in English.
Professional Project
The Individual Training Project allows each student to draw up their professional project:
- Identifying the skills required for the targeted position,
- Performing a self-assessment,
- Building a progress plan
- Assessing their progress
- Students benefit from optimized preparation for taking up their positions at the end of training. This process is followed up throughout the training by CESI teachers and recruitment experts.
Cuota de matrícula del programa
Oportunidades profesionales
- Ingeniero Civil / Ingeniero de Investigación / Ingeniero Comercial
- Ingeniero de Cálculo Estructural
- Ingeniero Urbanista
- Ingeniero de Mantenimiento de Estructuras / Ingeniero Supervisor de Obra
Más estudios en CESI
Programas Ejecutivos de Postgrado en CESI para especializar tu experiencia o avanzar hacia la investigación continuando tus estudios de doctorado en CESI. Aproveche las asociaciones de CESI con universidades y escuelas de negocios internacionales para obtener una doble titulación.